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Take a journey with Diane
as she writes about her remarkable encounter with a soul on the brink of Heaven and Hell.  Choosing Heaven is a spiritual journey for each reader that shines light on things our society encourages us to ignore. We see how the messages and stories in the Bible can help us see that the choices we are making today, and every day, set us on a path toward Heaven or toward Hell.

During the Eucharist Adoration at St. James Church in Medjugorje in my 2012 pilgrimage, I was witness to a pivotal moment. The crowds seemed to fall away, the sacred host began to glow and grow in my sight; all but the host fell from my view. I had the need to pray directly to our Lord Jesus, with all my heart. I did not “see” the soul or Jesus, other than the host, but just “knew” with all my being that the battle for this soul was being waged.

I just returned from my 5th pilgrimage in April of 2024. Here are some pictures of our trip!

Author Photo Diane Gerard

Diane Gerard
O'Fallon, Missouri

About Diane
Diane Gerard, a devoted Catholic, wife, mother, and retired corporate executive, possesses a profound gift of weaving together human experience and spiritual meaning into the written word. Led onto a journey by a profound personal revelation, Diane found herself being drawn into the depths of the Bible and its many lessons which are both hiding and yet plain for all to see.

Following a lifelong commitment to the love and worship of God, and with the support of her family, Diane encountered an unquenchable desire to share the fruits of what she had been given.

As she digs through the Bible seeking answers, her writings resonate with readers seeking spiritual nourishment and clarity, leading them to a deeper understanding of their own relationship with God.

As an author, Diane delves into the realms of Christianity, offering insights that both challenge and enrich the soul. Her work serves as a beacon of light, guiding readers toward their heavenly destination. Diane’s profound insights, first-hand experience, and spiritual connection through grace make her a source of inspiration, reminding us of the transformative power of prayer and God. Her words have the power to uplift, enlighten and reveal the divine plan for us all.

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My Books
Choosing Heaven Book Cover Image

Title: Choosing Heaven

Author: Diane Gerard

272 pages

Pub date: 2/1/2022

Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches

ISBN-13: 979-8985114102

Price: $14.95


Title: The Stations of Hope

Author: Diane Gerard

24 pages

Pub date: 1/2/2024

Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches

ISBN-13: 979-8985114119

Price: $4.95

Choosing Heaven

Are you looking to deepen your spiritual understanding? Start your journey today with Diane Gerard’s “Choosing Heaven” as your companion. Walk together with Diane as she shares her remarkable encounter with a soul on the brink of heaven and hell. A book for our times, “Choosing Heaven” is a spiritual guide for the reader further examining how the messages and stories from the Bible can help us to see that the choices we make today, and every day, set us on a path towards heaven or toward hell.

As you are seeking a deeper connection with your faith, Diane Gerard’s “Choosing Heaven” is a must-read! Pick up your copy today on Amazon! For a special keepsake, our friends at St. Joseph Radio Network have a limited number of signed copies of “Choosing Heaven” while they last.

Are you ready to dive into “Choosing Heaven"? Whether you prefer the convenience of Amazon, or the personal touch of an autographed copy, Diane Gerard’s book promises a special insight into the direction that our choices determine and God’s unending love for us all!

Embark on this journey today with Choosing Heaven!

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The Stations of Hope

The Stations of Hope is a spiritual reflection on the sufferings endured by Jesus and the sufferings in the world today.

Over Jesus’ lifetime, he suffered the pains of denial, torture, abandonment, lies, hypocritical behavior, judgment by others, mockery, and ultimately, a most severe and cruel death.

Sadly, we find many of these same sufferings in our own time. When are the times we have caused pain to others? How do we move on?Have we been the subject of such pain? How can we ask for, and receive, God’s grace and mercy?

Remember, as Jesus died on the cross, he cried out:

“Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” (Luke 23:33)

A reflection for our times, The Stations of Hope gives us comfort in our sufferings and asks us to recognize the times we have harmed others.

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Heaven or Hell

When going through life, we are faced with an endless number of decisions to make, but none as essential as the choice to turn to Jesus.

To download your FREE introduction today  

The same words repeated over and over in my head, endless times, agony for that desperate soul. “Don’t choose Hell! Look at His eyes! See His endless mercy, His endless love, Don’t look away! Don’t choose Hell! Don’t choose Hell,” I screamed in my mind, said Diane. (page 16)

What People are Saying

You are, in this moment, in possession of one such precious gift. Diane Gerard has experienced a profound encounter with the Lord; God has shown Himself to her in a powerful way. She is now sharing her experience with us, that we might become more confident in our own faith, more awake to God’s grace in our lives. More than anything else, Diane has come to trust God’s love for us and God’s desire for our salvation. It is this deep desire in the very heart of God which has compelled Diane to share her journey. Let it inspire you to connect with God’s own spirit dwelling in you and to say, with Mary, “Yes ” to heaven now.

Fr. Mitch Doyen, Pastor

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Fr. Mitch Doyen, Pastor

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

From the

Forward of the Book

Father Mitch Image

First of all, I am impressed by the title of the book, “Choosing Heaven” because it is a gentle reminder that our free will is a critical aspect of where we will spend eternity. This is described so well in the chapter titled, “A Lifetime of Free Choices Form our Pathways to Eternity”. Through the many options of our lives, we are given countless opportunities to choose God and His ways, or not.  As important as this concept is, my favorite part of the book is, “The Stations of Hope” which develop wonderful analogies between the life of Jesus with many current issues of today, such as the hypocrisy, betrayal, mocking, etc. of politicians, media, leaders, relationships, etc., which I never thought about. This most effectively points to the so often overlooked experiences Jesus suffered for the simple reason that only true love can explain.  In other words, God doesn’t give up on us, even through our many mistakes, sins and failures we can still choose heaven.

- Ann A.

First of all, I feel truly blessed to know Diane, the 4 years I’ve known her, she’s been dedicated to the church. Everything she says is so logical it is often missed because we can’t see the forest through the trees. It’s the path you walk to get to where you are supposed to go. If you do something to get you off that path, it takes you to another destination and that’s true of heaven also. Choosing heaven is a day-to-day process and the book explains the relationship with the Father. A well-written detailed book on life that everyone should read. - Jim S.

A fantastic read for everyone regardless of where they are in their spiritual walk in life. Diane carefully explains how many, many biblical events from both the Old and New Testaments point us on the Path to Heaven. She shares her own faith journey with its many twists and turns and gently, lovingly challenges us to reassess how we implement these Biblical truths in our daily lives. Read it - you'll be glad you did! - Bob Y.

Your book was so moving and encouraged me to continue my rosary prayers daily. Since then prayers answered include grand daughters being taken to catechism, which they enjoy, and their parents are going to mass regularly.

- Bonnie B.

Choosing Heaven is a very uplifting book. It is easy to read and fills your heart with hope of Gods enduring love for all His children. - Dawn S.

Choosing Heaven was an inspiring book to read. This book is all about our choice whether we want to go to heaven or hell. I was so inspired by this book that I ordered some copies for my friends.

- Dianne B.

Must Read!! Amazing book. It should be considered a roadmap to heaven while here on earth and also for after you pass away. This book helps you find the path of heaven and how to listen to Jesus and the Blessed Mother. - Mike V.

Powerful and life-changing. This book provides a beautifully written guide to our worldly connection to scripture in ways I’ve never considered before. Growing up Catholic, I was taught Bible verses and about the daily choices I make, but the author’s personal stories, deeper thoughts on the words given to us through the Bible and ways to pray have changed so much for me. As I strive to deeper my own connection with the Lord and live my life for Jesus, I will continue to pass this book on the others I meet and those I love. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to grow in their faith or those with questions about this life and the next. - Annie M.

Choosing Heaven is a book of clarity. Helping to answer many lifelong questions and setting me on the perfect path to Heaven. - Pam P.

An authentic book from a genuine and humble author that speaks personally to your soul. The writings give a sense of true divinity, and leave one in awe and wonder, discernment, and a true desire to “Choose Heaven.” - Jannell G.


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Unworthy to receive God’s unconditional love - I felt the power of His love shining so brightly that I dared not draw near - but I knew God wanted me to draw near. When I did draw near, I received a special message at Eucharistic Adoration and so many subsequent blessings. - March 23, 2020, from Diane’s journal


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National Eucharistic Conference
July 17-21
Indianapolis, IN
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Author Photo Diane Gerard

Diane Gerard
O'Fallon, Missouri

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